Libros Académicos del Mes

  • Gibraltar and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39
    Incorporating local, national and international dimensions of the conflict, Gibraltar and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39 provides the first detailed account of the British enclave Gibraltar's role during and after the Spanish Civil War.
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  • Buñuel en Toledo
    In 1923, Luis Buñuel established the Order of Toledo, a parody order of knights whose members included Salvador Dalí, García Lorca, and Rafael Alberti. Together, they often visited the ancient Spanish capital to stroll through its labyrinthine streets. But these excursions on the part of Buñuel and the Brotherhood were more than simple episodes of cultural sightseeing; they were happenings, public interventions in space.
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  • Juan de Mena de letrado a poeta
    Juan de Mena de letrado a poeta
    Este libro reúne un número significativo de artículos suponen una aportación ciertamente notable a la bibliografía disponible hasta la fecha. Juan de Mena: de letrado a poeta recoge dieciséis trabajos en los que se estudia su figura y su obra desde perspectivas distintas pero complementarias que abren nuevas líneas de investigación o bien enriquecen otras ya existentes.
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  • The Cristos yacentes of Gregorio Fernández
    Analyzing seventeenth-century images of the dead Christ produced by Gregorio Fernández, author Ilenia Colón Mendoza investigates how and why the artist and his patrons manipulated these images in connection with the religious literature of the time to produce striking images that moved the faithful to devotion.
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  • Remaking the Comedia
    This volume brings together twenty-six essays from the world's leading scholars and practitioners of Spanish Golden Age theatre. Examining the startlingly wide variety of ways that Spanish comedias have been adapted, re-envisioned, and reinvented, the book makes the case that adaptation is a crucial lens for understanding the performance history of the genre.
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  • Construção de Identidade(s)
    Este volume debate o tema da construção de identidade(s), numa época em que fronteiras e globalização coexistem. Ao longo de onze capítulos, a questão é discutida de um ponto de vista pluridisciplinar, com abordagens provenientes do campo da ciência política, da história, dos estudos culturais, da geo-historiografia, dos estudos literários, da teoria e da didática da literatura, bem como da sociologia.
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  • Directoras de cine en España y América Latina
    El presente libro analiza el papel de las mujeres realizadoras en la Historia del Cine tomando como punto de partida la obra de algunas de ellas, como María Luisa Bemberg, Anahí Berneri, Icíar Bollaín, Albertina Carri, María Cañas, Isabel Coixet, Hilda Hidalgo, Susana Koska, Claudia Llosa, Lucrecia Martel, María Novaro o Helena Taberna.
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  • Humanitats a la xarxa: món medieval
    This book reveals the current state of advanced research in the field of Humanities, introducing some of the leading projects being carried out in Europe and in the Unites States by historians and philologists. These research projects have to do with corpora of medieval Romance texts (literary or linguistic), metric indexes, databases on manuscripts, printed copies, iconographic sources, digitalisations of old collections or catalogues in the main research institutions.
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